Sunday, 30 March 2014

Task 2d: Inquiry

Since keeping a journal and using reflection as a tool to evaluate my actions one question I keep asking myself is - 'How did I affect that situation?'.

I am a MASSIVE mood carrier. In the sense that I carry my mood around with me EVERYWHERE I go. And the mood I am in is written all over my face. People tell me this all the time. People at work and sometimes even the kids I teach ask me.. 'Miss, whats up?'. And when I look back at that I think to myself.. 'thats really bad!?'. I should walk into my class and look warm and approachable and happy. Not like I've got a thorn in my backside. What sort of child wants a moody teacher? NONE. I remember being a kid in class and I hated it when my teacher was in a mood. It made being in class a scary experience. And thats not a good learning environment.

So I have made a conscious effort to 'leave my problems at the door' when arriving and work and at class and it seems to be making a difference. People are more friendly towards me where as previously they may have given me a wide birth on particular days. And my classes are more fun and the children are happy to see me each week.

So at the moment the main theme I am interested in investigating is something along the lines of:

'As a leader/teacher, how does your mood affect the ability of your colleagues/students to develop?'

Although I'm not sure that sounds too powerful so maybe I will look at re-wording it.

Any thoughts/suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.

Many thanks :)

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